I apologize for the fact that I'm late in posting this. Doctor visits and what not I couldn't post it early in the morning. (I try and post by 8AM Central)
I'm still in the process of playing Fable II, I play it for awhile then because of the controls I give up. By the time I get back around to it I have to start over, it's a game of decisions so if I'm gone for more than like a week I feel like I should start fresh so as not to confuse or forget something I previously did.
I love the idea of Fable II, I have never played any of the other Fable games(well I got into the Beta for Legends but that was NOT FABLE). The story line seems so interesting and deep without being overwhelming to where you feel you're being dragged too far down. I played Brothers:A Tale of Two Sons, because I watched some trailers and thought it was going to be my Xbox One Fable answer. No.... No.... No... It was an AMAZING Game, but WAY too intense for a game in my opinon. It was like a Nicholas Sparks Movie.
However back the game I'm reviewing....
Fable II gives you instructions and a good story line, and it offers options, either play it to build the town or play it to be a warrior. Either way there are choices for you and a path of game play.
My Problems with Fable II all stem from controller issues. Being a single handed gamer, I miss out on some of the story impact because I cannot sit there holding LT while I play, or because of the way all your major commands are the letter buttons in combination. I'm not flexible enough in my fingers for that, and I've had 31 years of practice. There are still some spots where I have to ask my boyfriend to get me through it or I cannot continue.
It's kind of unfair, for as simple as the commands may seem... It's not that way for a one-handed gamer. I understand that this review is a little too late to affect Lionsgate, I hope that any company that tries to follow in their footsteps keeps this in mind. I know that when I heard about Legends I was super excited, I thought a Fable game was coming to Xbox One, when I found out it was not a real Fable game, I was so MAD.
I hope someone comes out with a Fable type game, I miss it and do not have a 360 anymore. Flaws and all I loved Fable II.
Over all I'd give Fable II a B+, if I wasn't a one-handed gamer it might be different.