OK, so I started this whole thing in response to some jerks sitting on their butts talking crap cause they can. The internet is a pretty stressful and dangerous place sometimes. I decided I would go ahead and talk about how I feel now that I've started this site. I noticed, through a bit of research, I'm not alone in being disabled and a gamer, which I knew in my heart I wasn't, but over all there are more people putting their stories out there than I thought I'd find.
I delayed in posting my first Vlog entry because I've been trying to figure out exactly how to tackle the whole thing. I know I need to show everyone how I play, I owe it to the audience to atleast show how it works and make sure they know I'm being legit. However I hope you can understand how much the idea weighs on my mind. After all the crap talking I've had to listen to I'm so nervous about the whole thing. What if it blows up in my face and people start being bigger dicks than they already were? What if they try and say it is all some hoax? What if it all ends up being for nothing, and nobody because nobody looks/reads/cares???
So here is the bottom line, I started this, I've got to follow through...Whether it matters to anyone else or not. I will be making some changes to the schedule I think, but I will make sure that the Vlog showing how I play will be up this week coming up.