So I've been thinking about starting a blog about my gaming for quite some time. The big push in making it actually happen was Between the 12th and 15th of this month. I had had a run in with a couple people before this that were jerks but the 12th was the worst. This person was spamming the comment "You Rock" every time I died. I was like ok I get the point, so I sent them a message that simply said "Spam Much?" and they went off on a tangent about how I was a retard and because of people like me they were debating never playing Smite again. (Whoop-De-Do for you, you quit your game cause a stranger didn't play the way you wanted them to) Then when the match was over they proceeded to message me (through Xbox) to say "I've been new to characters and done way better than you....Thank god I'm done with that so I don't have to deal with you anymore" I reported this person for harassment. I then started getting messages from others telling me that I was feeding and I'm a retard and I should delete the game. Smite has a report feature just like Xbox, if you report people on Smite though it affects the amount of reward they receive. I went from 96% to 25% in one day because try as I may people did not care, they accused me of "intentional feeding". I gave in, I quit playing for almost a week. Then I was on Xbox and one of the friends I usually play with, was like COME BACK I MISS YOU. Then I realized how ashamed I was that I let those jerks win, they had got me to quit. Just like any other bully in life. It's really amazing how when you think about it, other people have more impact on your life than you may want to admit, especially when it comes to disabilities or just bully situations in general. I know what I'm capable of but for some reason the negativity those people threw at me, shut me down. At the same time the positive vibes make an impact as well. My boyfriend tells me all the time lately,"wow you're look at you just kicking butt at that" or "you're doing so great at that, it's amazing how much better you're getting". It reminds me of Pretty Woman......
Julia Roberts: "when people put you down enough you start to believe it" Richard Gere: "I think you are a very bright very special woman" Julia Roberts: "The bad stuff is easier to believe..."